Cognition of God

Larisa Vavulina


                         •  START
                         •  SEARCH
                         •  THE MEETING
                         •  COMING TO THE SCHOOL
                         •  ECOLOGY
                         •  GIVING AWAY
                         •  “TEST OF DURABILITY”
                         •  MEDITATIVE WORK
                         •  DIVINE TEACHERS
                         •  MONASTICISM


        When God offers the Strait Path to Him and gives the Master, who himself traversed and therefore knows the entire Path as well as also has cognized the Goal, — it requires from a student full trust for the Master and complete devotion to this Path: otherwise this student would not be able to go by it.
        By what words can be expressed the love of a disciple to the true Master? How to say “I love you!” to this Person who loves you so much, who gives all of himself to help you to reach the Perfection, to cognize God and connect with Him?
        How to say “Thank you!” to Him who is constantly aware of you and caring keeps you on the palms of his vast consciousness-love, who took you as a disciple, took upon himself the responsibility before God for you-soul?
        I do not know these words, but it is this — that lives in me!
        ... When God had already firmly entered into my life, I turned to Him with the question:
        “How to serve You better, oh Lord?”
        “Write about Me! I am not an abstraction! I am the Reality! I — really exist!”
        But when later He said that the next book will be our autobiographies, I a little lost my head... How to start?
        All of my former life in this incarnation — before joining the School of Vladimir Antonov* — was very far from the life of a spiritual aspirant. It is difficult to write about that part of my life, because now, looking back, I realize that my existence before — was not real living. Because there was no God and understanding — as to why I live. Only time went on... and life went on... I was like drifting with the flow...
        But God even then gave me lessons — and I acquired the life experience...
        ... In the family where I was born, no one educated me seriously. My father was employed as a worker in a small factory where they made — of cast iron — batteries for heating homes. He was not an educated and cultured man. After work, he played dominoes in the street and drank vodka. He took no part in my upbringing and never was interested in my life.
        Only once, when I — after already graduating from school and college — was studying at the evening institute and working, he suddenly opened the door to my room and said, almost tenderly:
        “Daughter, have you done your homework...?”
        My mother, after finishing college, worked as a forewoman at a huge factory in the shop, where they made knives, forks, spoons. There was heavy manual labor, and almost exclusively women worked there. She was for them “Mom”, she was loved and respected for her honesty, kindness and great diligence. She also had a little free time for my upbringing.
        As a child, I did not get on with my older sister: I was not tolerant of any violence to me — and fiercely resisted any of her attempts to “educate” me. Later, we have developed the principles of peaceful coexistence, and almost did not quarrel, but were not close either: she had her own life, I had my own.
        In our family, also was a grandmother, my father’s mother, who lived with us. She was quiet, kind. Almost all the household chores were on her, and she almost did not go out of the house, besides two summer visits to Mordovia — to the village, where she took me.
        The first time, we went there when I was seven years old. It was the strongest impressions of my childhood! From the train-station — to the village, one had to go a few hours on a cart drawn by a horse, on a country road. For the first time, I, a city resident, was in the open country space!
        It was morning and the sun was shining! All around — to the horizon — were stretches of gentle hills, fields and grasslands, which were interspersed with ravines and small copses. The first time in life, I saw how wheat, rye, buckwheat, oats, millet grew on fields! In the meadows bloomed variety of flowers and grew a variety of herbs. High in the sky larks were singing. All this was like a multicolored carpet — it was huge, alive, and very beautiful! I could not tear myself away from the surrounding beauty!
        That summer, I first saw whole fields of strawberries and forest strawberries: the second is three times larger than strawberries, dark maroon, sweet and flavorful!
        And more, I learned to graze cattle and sheep, lay in hay!
        ... Because most of the time, I was on my own, I have formed my inner world. It was a world of justice and love. I dreamed of this love, which is — for all: it is — fair and never to offend anyone.
        I very keenly experienced any injustice, especially in relation to other people. I was ready to stand up for each unjustly offended.
        I also loved the Earth and thought that it is — alive! I liked to lie, face down on the grass, and cling to the Earth with whole body, and hugging it by arms... Or — laying on my back, watch the bizarrely changing shape of clouds floating in the sky... In those moments, I felt such peace!...
        ... In our family there were no conversations about God, but also no denial of His existence. Only grandmother quietly crossed, looking at the icon of the “Mother of God”, whispered prayers and lit the icon-lamp before the icon at holidays.
        My life was atheistic and was held under the slogan: “For our happy childhood — thank you, my dear country!”
        ... Then I went to school. I always liked to learn new things. I studied easily and was very easily fascinated by all: in the pioneers’ clubhouse learned in many circles — theater, sewing clothes, ballroom dancing, radio. Also played basketball and cross-country skiing, but most of all I loved to swim! In the water, I was — like a fish in its natural element!
        After school, I graduated college of marine engineering. “On distribution”, I came to work in the Research Institute. Immediately I came to study in the evening department of the university. I studied and worked, and at the same time gave birth to two daughters.
        … Then — my life consisted in “getting stuck” and “bogged down” in the world of matter...
        I was working in the shop of a huge metallurgical plant as an engineer. Work and care for the family, a meaningless marriage in which there was no trace of love and harmony — all this had plunged me into a kind of “gray” layer of existence... Soon my husband and I got divorced, and I was left alone with two small children.
        To feed this family, I had to do more and entered on a second job... Home business and taking care of children absorbed all the attention...
        Then I met a man who seemed to me to know how to love and care for a family — and I married for the second time... But he proved to be an alcoholic, with drinking bouts... He had a daughter from his first marriage — so I obtained a third child...
        ... At first, I tried to fight against the “disease” of husband, went with him to the doctors, buying expensive medicine. He agreed to stop drinking, but again fell into drinking binges...
        And then I finally realized that all my efforts — useless, the drunkenness is not a disease, but a consequence of weak will and indulging one’s own vices. And that no one, except for the man himself — only through one’s own efforts — can be delivered from vices.
        ... Ten years of life in that hell taught me a lot. And, most importantly, having pushed away from hell, I was able to turn toward God.
        For the first time, I was seriously thinking about God and addressed Him. I asked: “What do I do next? How to live? After all, I can leave nowhere with the children. My husband — also will not go anywhere. So divorce will not change the situation. And there is no escape...”
        And suddenly the understanding had come: there is no escape — from the outside for me, in material world, but it is — inside me! I can change myself — and to take the external as it is. I should stop trying to remake him! One should not force anyone else to be good: the result is the opposite!
        Now I understand that it was my first conscious attempt to learn the love-humility.
        No, he did not stop drinking. But the tension went from our relationships: I had “let go” of him in my mind — and now, when he was drunk, he spoke only about how he loves us...
        And I, suddenly, felt a very other love: now I would like to love namely all people helping them!
        And God took it!
        It was a turning point in my life.
        But it happened… when I was already almost forty years…

* At present, we help only through the published by us materials; we do not conduct any lessons, lectures, etc. (Vladimir Antonov).


“The soul, exhausted and languishing, requests
 drink, drink, drink...
Where to get water to quench one’s thirst?
Source is — it is called the Truth.
But to find it,
One will have to embark on a journey...”

Philip the Apostle, from a conversation with Him.

        I began to go to the temple of the Orthodox Church, thinking to find God there. I attended different temples, honestly stood during the services, trying to feel God, confessed and got communions. But nothing worked!
        I also found that for the majority of the priests, the service in the church was only the usual work for money — the same as any other job. But I was looking for the Living, the Real God!
        When I took part in church ceremonies, I had the feeling that I am taking part in theatrical performances...
        I liked to come to a temple long before service when almost none of visitors were there yet... Only during these hours, I felt a special peace — and it was good...
        I tried also to pray with the help of the thick book with prayers. But I could take for myself from it only two prayers: “Heavenly King”* and “Our Father”.
        Then I began to search and study the books where the information could be about God, meaning of life, how the world was constructed and what to do to help myself and others. But I could not find the information that would satisfy my growing interest in new to me esoteric side of life.
        One day, I visited a friend of mine and talked with her son. He was fond of different spiritual literature, and I asked him to show me his books. Among them was the book of Vladimir Antonov “How God Can Be Cognized”. Taking it from his hands and having read the table of contents, I realized: it is — the book which I searched for! Here I will find the answers to all my questions! I asked him to give it to read. He refused, saying that this book already — because of his diligent reading — was dilapidated; the paperback had collapsed. But he can buy for me one more in the same store. And there, by the way, are other books of Antonov. I was very happy and asked to buy all the books by this author.
        Having the long-awaited books, I read and imbibed the written — as if drinking from a living source: as a traveler in the desert quenches the thirst, crouches to the long-awaited water...
        Having read all, I decided to write a letter to the author. I briefly described my life and thanked him for the books. And I was very pleased when the answer came! He wrote that with a drunkard-husband it is impossible to go to God and that necessary is the ethical work on oneself. And wished me success.
        ... After two months, my drunken husband departed the earthly life.
        Now I had more time to study the books of Antonov.
        Intellectually, I at once accepted all that I had learned from his books about God, man and evolution. But I felt the need to start work practically: remake my life and myself, making all in line with the plan of God. But how — I did not fully understand yet.
        And I wrote him the second letter, describing the recent events of my life, and asked for a meeting.

* (the footnote of the corrector).

The Meeting

        He called and we agreed on the time and place of the meeting.
        I arrived long before the time appointed: afraid of being late due to traffic. And here he came.
        In front of me, was a seemingly ordinary man, but with a surprising face: a large white beard, a high forehead and eyes that were looking at me with peace and kindness.
        “Are you Antonov?”
        He nodded and offered to go to the located nearby park.
         For almost two hours, we walked through the park and talked about God, about the meaning of life... When the conversation turned to the Teaching of Juan Matus, Vladimir pointed his hand:
        “Here is Don Juan. He listens attentively to our conversation!”
        I stared hard, trying to see Don Juan... But saw only a set of trees around us...
        The simplicity and naturalness in communication, calm... Vladimir was — true: without a shadow of pretense, arrogance. I realized that I could fully trust this person.
        At the end of the conversation, he wished me success. And I promised to write, if there will be. On this we parted.

Coming to the School

        In former times, I asked God to help me find an incarnate Master.
        Having been acquainted with Antonov, I asked him if he himself conducts classes. But he said, “No”.
        Then I decided to engage myself with his book “Spiritual Practices”.
        Every morning I got up at five o’clock and, before going to work, I was doing warm-up and psycho-physical exercises, trying to work with the anahata chakra. The first results were very soon felt: emotional state of joy and cheerfulness continued the whole day.
        But what next?...
        One day, in the early spring, the phone rang. The familiar voice of Vladimir sounded in the handset:
        “Peace to you! How is it going?”
        “That’s well, I do warm-up and other exercises. After the exercises, I’m good: joy and strength add.”
        “Very good! So — God leads!
        “What is with nourishment? Understood?”
        “Yes, I eat cruelty-free food.”
        And I was invited to the session.
        After the first lesson, Vladimir said:
        “With such a state of energy in the body, like yours, the people, however, are screaming in pain... Let’s assign to you “winter ice-bathing”. You can try to find an ice-hole close to your home, or you can go to Ozerki: there, on the lake, there is a club of “walrus” and the ice-hole. And take children with you!”
        He explained in detail how to bathe in an ice-hole.
        ... Never before I had even poured over myself cold water. And now... right into the hole!...
        I went home immersed in heavy thoughts... There was a feeling that in the soul, there was as if the stagnant water which suddenly began to move and a turbidity rose from the bottom...
        The next day, I made a decision: am trying, to start, to pour!
        I dropped into a bath — and poured on the body three buckets of cold water!
        The result, however, was not happy...
        I thought: so, if in the bath is so bad, it means that in the ice-hole exactly will be my end...
        The whole evening was an internal struggle...
        But I knew: either the ice-hole — or I stay forever in the former life...
        I understood that I had nothing to lose: to live as before — it was not possible!...
        The next morning I was going: I take the children, a swimsuit and a towel — and we go to the lake. After yesterday’s pouring in the bath — I was feeling bad: starting cold, the state on the brink of an illness. But I am thinking: in the ice-hole one of us has to die — either I, or germs!
        ... On the lake — the sun is shining and a light frost.
        The snow sparkles and crunches under our feet, as we walk across the ice to the ice-hole.
        I changed my clothes in the little club-house on the beach and went out barefoot in the snow…
        I came up to the water and, as was taught, — throw arms of consciousness, let the sunlight into anahata, embraced with arms the space over the lake! I invited Holy Spirit to enter into my body!...
        I went down by wooden steps and dived into the icy water... And — a miracle! The icy water — was not felt! Plunged into it with my head, then came up and restored the breath. But I did not jump out of the water, instead submerged the head again. From under the water I heard the plaintive cry of my daughter:
        “Mama! Come out!”
        Okay! I went up the steps on the ice and felt like... — like the newly born! An approaching disease had disappeared! Every cell in the body — as if it’s filled with sparkling joy!*
        Happy, we then returned home.
        ... At the next meeting, when I told it to Vladimir, he was very earnestly glad for me. And he added:
        “The faster you completely rebuild your life — the more you can have time to get on the spiritual Path!”
        ... The circle of my former acquaintances very quickly had broken up. They just stopped inviting me, it became not interesting for them to be with me: because I no longer drink alcohol, did not smoke, did not eat meat and fish, did not discuss the endless television series because I did not watching them any longer... I was now interested only in God and all that is connected with knowledge of Him.
        At work, I said that I pass a special course of treatment, and the doctor ordered “winter swimming” and a strict diet. Everyone calmed down — and did not bother me with questions.
        At home, my children knew about my new life, and they accepted it.
        Only the father, who lived alone, could not understand how it is possible not to drink a small glass of homemade vodka on a holiday?! And then he just stopped communicating with me.
        In the meantime, I had devoted all the free time to mastering Raja Yoga and to studying spiritual literature. “Winter bathing”, daily exercises with pranayamas etc. had allowed the first stages of cleaning the body’s energy. Now, I was watching my, coming from the spiritual heart, flow of love for people — friends and strangers — they smiled in response, they became well. Because of this, the happiness overwhelmed me so much that I wanted to hug the whole world with my love!

*  On the method of “winter bathing” read in [Ecopsychology] and see in video film “Three Steps of Centering. Places of Power”.


        Ecology is the science of a being’s interactions with its environment. We must learn — from the perspective of ethics — to interact correctly with the whole world around us: incarnate and non-incarnate beings. Simply stated, we need to learn to love them. Otherwise, it is impossible to love God and draw close to Him. And the full love is possible only having a developed spiritual heart.
        Vladimir taught us in practical ecology. Having great experience as the scientist-biologist, and studied, in particular, the multidimensional structure of the universe and the Creator, he happily shared all his knowledge with us.
        To love nature — you need to live alone with it in harmony: respecting its laws, attuning with it, take care of it. And through this, you can learn a lot — including, silence, peace.
* * *
        We leave the city before dawn — to be early in the forest. Namely at the dawn, nature fills with the greatest tenderness!
        We walk on a forest path to the place of power. Each carries a backpack in which — the essentials: first-aid kit, paper for kindling a camp-fire, a hacksaw, a plastic raincoat in case of rain, the foam pad so that it could be possible to relax on the damp ground, and, of course, sandwiches for breakfast with cheese, coffee, jars with rice and mushrooms for lunch.
        … That is the dawn!
        Ants paved their trails across the track on which we walk. We navigate so as not to step on them.
        Around — pine forest saturated with sunlight! And every pine glows and radiates fragrance!
        Vladimir says:
        “It is best to feel the harmony of nature in the morning and evening sunset; the day — is not ideal.
        “A long time ago, when I yet had no understanding on the spiritual work, I looked at this beauty — and very strongly wanted to give it to others. And — as a result of that, my desires, our spiritual School had been created.”
        ... We stopped under high fir-trees, have breakfast of sandwiches with coffee.
        Then we start to work. First — the trees of power.
        Vladimir explains:
        “These are the unique — with regards to bio-energy — spruce and pine. They grew up together — side by side — from their childhood. And they have formed the most interesting place of power.
        We should, first, fully enter — by the consciousness — in anahatas and stand by bodies between their trunks, embracing with love these trees. And let’s see what happens.”
        ... I went to anahata, stand between the trees, embraced them by arms of the soul, and... disappeared! Complete dissolution, the state of non-existence of the material world... It suddenly ceased to exist for me... Now there was only the space of peace and quiet... I did not feel my body, as if it was not... Then I did the super-effort to understand what I now am... With effort, I realized that I was just the limitless and eternal peace and quiet! Wow! Here, it appeared, the Nirvana... With Vladimir — it is so easy!
        ... And Vladimir smiles:
        “It’s just the ‘gate’, clearing the mind and preparing to perceive the much more important...”
        ... When all members of our group had passed through this ‘gate’, having been in this place for about a few minutes each, — we went further.
        We came up to the border of the next place of power inside a huge Mahadouble of Babaji.
        Vladimir explained the technique of the work:
        “You can, just having crossed the border of the places of power, freely and easily swim — by consciousness — from anahata — and immediately feel like a very large spiritual heart, the diameter of a few hundred meters.
        “Pay attention to the arms of consciousness: we can embrace, caress — both the tops of trees, and birds, and clouds, and the sun, and Babaji, of course!
        “Let us feel the Divine Love of Babaji, which He gives to us! You can easily communicate with Him, to ask for advices, instructions for yourself and for others.”
        ... I went into the place of power, am trying — very cautiously — to feel Babaji... And suddenly — was filled with His Love! Nothing like I had felt ever before! Here it was — the Love of God: the all-penetrating and filled with happiness and bliss of Living Light-Tenderness!
        Vladimir reports that Jesus and Sathya Sai Baba came here as well.
         ... I walked on the place and asked — but by force of old habit — not Babaji but Jesus — to accept me, to allow me to go to Him by this Path. I turned to Jesus again and again with all my being, and, when deep peace suddenly filled the soul, I realized: my request is accepted...
        ... Each of those few days was filled with new discoveries, familiarity with other Representatives of the Creator. Vladimir worked this miracle — revealed God to us. He introduces us to the Divine Teachers, while he himself remained to the side — so that everyone could personally feel God — the Living, the Real.
        There was a feeling that in those days I spent months of life... A new love came to me — Love of God! And I would like to fill all people with this Embracing Divine Love!
        This was a complete opening of the spiritual heart. And, at the same time, — only the beginning of great work on the Path to the Creator...

Giving Away

        Then it was necessary for us to strengthen ourselves in the achieved states. And it was not so easy...
         “The best way to understand and remember the most significant of the received is to teach others!” — Vladimir joked.
        And he seriously continued:
        “Learning from God, we need to accept very many skills in different areas of life — in order to effectively help others. Each needs, in particular, to receive at least the most common knowledge in medicine. To do this, all buy and learn from, for example, a ‘Handbook for practitioners in medicine’. We also should be competent in general political issues, also to become psychologists, to possess at least general knowledge on psychiatry. It is necessary not only for ourselves — but also to better understand other people, helping them.
        “And it is possible to teach others only with what you yourself know.
        “At the first stage of spiritual study, when non-incarnate Divine Teachers and an incarnate Master hold you in Their Arms and give Their Love, — it is very easy to go. But then your study continues through giving the received to others.
        “The desire for such giving away certainly is one of the properties of a mature, loving soul. But for this, one must have the extensive desire to possess knowledge in everything that can be useful in the spiritual development of man.
        “Moreover, it is necessary to give away, as our Divine Teachers do, i.e., in particular, to be completely disinterested financially: only love should lead one to those whom you are giving away.”
        ... And then I discovered that... I'm afraid to give meditations. Fear binds, paralyzes — and then nothing can be done.
        A new struggle against myself had begun...
        God spoke to me:
        “Giving away should be the quality of the soul, a way of life.
        “And giving meditations — this is also an opportunity to give others love. It is also service! It is your Karma Yoga, the proof of your love to Me!
        “Do you think that you love them? But in fact it turns out that you only take, while the real love — is giving away!
        “Namely because of this, it feels bad for you!
        “Also it is necessary to give away more, than you picked up!
        “Break all barriers in yourself! For love — there should be no barriers! Let it be!
        “You build the barriers and obstacles for yourself by your negatives: ‘I cannot!’, ‘It’s for me too early!’ ‘I’m yet little!’. But this is not so! You’re — an adult, and the demands placed on you are those of an adult! You already are adult; understand this!
        “Know that to give your love away — this is the only opportunity for you to exist and grow! Cross quickly into the existence with emanation and giving away! Only then you will understand entirety — to give love! This is, too, the main implementation of the principle of the existence of the Absolute!
        “If a person only gets and rejoices and lives by this — he or she is still small, a child. But, growing up, it is inevitable — for each of the worthy — the transition into giving away mode of living! This is — the law, failure of which leads to the real death: the death of the soul. If a person only takes and is not able or does not want to give away — he or she dies like an overfed animal from indigestion.
        “Do not worry, if it will be not well enough at the beginning! How long can you be afraid for yourself?! The fear is generated by a mind and is inherent to a body. But you are not a body! Forget about yourself! So pass to people My Love!”
        ... But I continued to resist...
        Then God began to put pressure on me...
        He withdrew from me my meditative achievements.
        I was horrified to find that now I cannot even get out from the body through anahata! Although before this, it was easy for me even to be merged with Him by all the consciousness...
        He wanted me to continue my own efforts on self-transformation. And at the same time, He checked: how much I longed for His Gifts?
        ... I had to start all over again. Once again, I grabbed the books, the Raja Yoga, for the ethical work on myself...

“Test of Durability”

“... Ethical purity in a budding person should be absolutely unconditional...
Ethical purity must be consubstantial with the soul!”

        I reread the Teachings of Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Sathya Sai Baba, Vladimir’s books, trying to understand the very essence of the Divine Wisdom and applying it to myself.
        God spoke to me:
        “Without the constant work on yourself, it is impossible to achieve success on the spiritual Path. Remaking yourself according to My Will — is not a toy, it is — a serious, thorough and scrupulous everyday work. To get down to it — it needs full responsibility and awareness of its fundamental importance. There can be no place for frivolity, crudity, passivity. Only with diligence and patience, acting absolutely sincerely and honestly, — this is the only way for you to work on yourself here.
        “It is easy, even without understanding it, to destroy, to break down, the best that is already in the soul!
        “Slowly and patiently cultivate in you all the best!”
        ... And the help of Vladimir in this work was invaluable.
         He almost never spoke to us — on his own initiative — what defects everyone should correct in themselves. But he, with different examples of similar situations from his vast life experience, was trying to lead us to our own understanding of ethical problems. And he always did it brilliantly and never repeated himself.
        For example, he explained, as if in the abstract, in general, not referring specifically to me:
        “We must fully use the psychic self-regulation and always try to live in happy and bright emotional states of consciousness. It is one thing — when any dirty little ‘shrimp’ being the consciousness of the size of its cocoon generates bad emotions: the harm from it is minimal for the surrounding beings. And another thing — a great consciousness which cripples others by rough states! Never, no matter what happens, can we leave the state of love! And we are responsible for this before God!”
        ... At first, I was frightened by the nakedness of the soul before Vladimir and tried to “hide” from him my lower “i”. But then I realized that, being closed, I cannot remake myself as a soul! And it is a great benefit: to open the soul to the Master, who strikes precisely at the vice, not me... And I completely stopped “hiding”.
        At exactly the same time, I got confirmation of the correctness of my solution: one of our more younger friends, who lived in another city, wrote to Vladimir the “request”: “You for so long do not scold me!... But it so helps to approach the Perfection!”
        ... We continued to go to the forest for meditation work. I tried to meditate, but my efforts did not meet God. I could not, as before, merge with Him: it was impossible.
        And God “added momentum”: He began to create in me a sense of almost constant physical pain: not even pain somewhere specific in the body, but all the body at once. Very often I felt a pain in the heart. I went to the clinic, and the cardiogram was recorded. The doctor carefully examined the lines on the paper tape and said:
        “But you have a completely healthy heart!”
        I realized that it is useless to trouble doctors.
        ... But I did not get any better: God wanted from me the complete, deep changes in my entire essence due to my personal efforts.
        Finally, He spoke:
        “Direct your attention deep into Me, not on your body! Love for Me solves all problems!
        “I want from you the constant creative cooperation with Me in all aspects of your life! You just are obliged to live in a state of giving away!
        “Also — cast away all the manifestations of violence! Learn to not want anything from anyone!”
        ... Vladimir told me that time, and it helped me very much:
        “Larisa, God will help you, but He will not do anything in this situation in your stead!
        ... I began constantly to observe myself: monitor, analyze, control the states of consciousness in which I was. I would not want to harm incarnate and not incarnate people by allowing myself to be in my bad emotions!
        Pursuing this work, I realized that the lower “i”, producing thoughts, is like a computer, which laid the various emotional and behavioral response patterns and programs. When there is one or other situation on the material plane, it issues in response to this — a ready response pattern. But it does not, however, always correspond to the norms of ethical purity. So, my “computer” needed to reinstall the operating system: it was necessary to remove all the existing trash of incorrect stereotypes — and to lay a new program of ethical purity. I had found it in the Teachings of Jesus, Krishna, Babaji, Sathya Sai Baba, books of Vladimir.
        I also realized that one cannot control oneself, watching oneself from the head chakras: when manas* is activated — which is precisely the creator of the lower “i” — nothing good happens. The lower “i” cannot control itself nor fight against itself! For the success, it is necessary to move the “assembling point”**  into the lower “bubble of perception” and to place the center of self-awareness in the spiritual heart. We must also learn to feel ourselves as free — from the body — consciousnesses. Plus we should learn to think by the consciousness; that is without the participation of the brain! Thinking by consciousness, consisting of the spiritual heart, makes possible the controlling manas and managing thoughts.
        I set the tasks before myself:
        1. Always send all aspirations to the Creator — the main Aim of my life.
        2. Always maintain the maximum speed of applying efforts, not stopping at the received.
        3. Be always ready — that is, trying to be always, at any time, able to control myself and looking for opportunities to become better.
        ... Once I turned on the television to watch the news. But instead of news, it was showing the film, where the master of martial arts, checked the always readiness of the student.
        Student was lying on the ground on the back between two tall trees. Between their tops, the rope was the stretched and a stone of impressive size was tied.
        “Ready?” — the teacher asked.
        “Ready!” — the student responded.
        Stone fell exactly at the center of the student’s abdomen. He — brilliantly withstood the shock and relaxed in joy. But immediately after — the second stone dropped, which until then was not seen. And the student, not expected such a turn of events, got hit, was writhing in pain.
        “Not ready!” — the teacher stated.
        ... I also began to recollect all that Vladimir taught on this theme. I have mobilized myself to super-efforts: ... because I’m obligated to become a true spiritual warrior!
        And the pain receded.
        Relying on God, redirecting the indriyas into His Depths and depending only on my own strength, I continued to go forward.

*  You can find the meanings of this and other similar terms in (the footnote of the corrector).
**  The region of concentration of the consciousness (the term of the School of Don Juan Matus).

Meditative Work

        It is impossible to cognize God or even effectively struggle against one’s own spiritual disabilities — without properly constructed meditative work.
        Meditation is the work of consciousness. It should be carried out simultaneously on several fronts, including cleansing and subtling, transforming ourselves into Love, increasing the volume of myself-consciousness, making myself-consciousness agile, flexible, powerful, wise. Vladimir taught us to do all this.
        “The Path to God — this is, in particular, learning ‘to move’ namely all parts of the consciousness,” — he joked.
        ... I remember how happy I was when, at the very beginning of our contacts, having heard from Vladimir that to master meditations is usually optimally not indoors but outdoors: in the forest, over the sea, among the meadow and fields! And even — on special, energetically significant areas — places of power! But enclosed premises are suitable, as a rule, only for preparatory trainings in the framework of Raja Yoga.
        Vladimir then showed us hundreds of places of power, and taught to use them.
        There it is so easy and natural to flow out by the consciousness from purified anahata — rather into the Divine Light! And the arms, emanating from the open spiritual hearts, immediately soar! Then — you can swim, fly, hugging, caressing, growing, feeling, exploring, learning, merging with God!
        And, as we were taught by Vladimir, we do not have to close our eyes, sit or stand at the same place: it is much more effective to work at a leisurely walk, searching, in particular, — even within specific places of power — the optimum points for operation. But when the bodily eyes are closed (except for special cases), we have a tendency to “float up” by consciousness into the head chakras — and then we certainly will not swim in the multidimensional Absolute, but only in our own illusions! The serious meditative work is possible only on the basis of the anahata chakra, i.e., by the spiritual heart; other possibilities do not exist.

* * *
        ... I remember one amusing incident. Once we came to work to the Mahadouble of Huang Di. But the place was desecrated by a “countryside session” of addicts: energy became nauseous, used syringes were littered in the grass everywhere. Therefore, Huang Di moved Himself — on the same forest path — about a hundred meters. I did not notice this — and, out of habit, tried unsuccessfully to merge with Him... where He was the last time, not now. For me, not God was a goalpost, but trees... which I had captured in memory from the previous time.
        Vladimir then, laughing, said:
        “But God is alive! And Mahadouble is not a statue: was set — and stands!”
        ... What a great gift God presented to me by introducing me right into the true spiritual School and healthy spiritual family of like-minded with the aspiration to only one Goal — cognizing the Creator, Mergence with Him, and serving Him!
        What Vladimir had done is the development of the methodology for spiritual growth from the state of a common man to God. It is unique and great! In other circumstances, for the studies and mastering of only one step of the “ladder” of spiritual ascent, a seeker might need more than one embodiment for the difficult and painful researches...
        But to take advantage of this “ladder”, can only mature souls, aspiring in their search for God and devoting themselves entirely to this Path.
        ... Samadhi, Nirodhi, Nirvana — when I first read about these states in books, they seemed to be something extraordinary. And in the School of Vladimir — using his techniques, special places of power, and, of course, his personal assistance — they can be grasped very quickly.
        ... But in order to keep the successes and learn to live in these states of consciousness in everyday life — our own efforts are needed.
        Vladimir taught it all — with ease. He gave the most intimate knowledge of God with the invariable love — but only, I repeat, for the worthy friends.
        And behind this easiness, it was a big job of the scientist-explorer who worked for decades in the field of spirituality — losing nothing, observing, researching, analyzing, and systematizing the results obtained by testing everything on his own experience. Then he selected all the best and effective, and the leftovers were discarded. Thus the methodology of spiritual development was created.
        Methodology of spiritual development — it is not only meditations. But this is the comprehensive system of methods for human development, leading to the full self-realization, to achieving Perfection, to the cognition of the Creator and Mergence with Him. Here one cannot get progress without the ethical work on oneself, and without intellectual development. All this was exhaustively developed by Vladimir and described in his books.
        Of course, this happened with the help of God and under His direct leadership. What sense could there be to create a methodology for the cognition of God — apart from Him?
        But how one needs to love God, relying only on Him non-incarnate, to pass and to pave the whole Path for others — from the beginning — up to the full Mergence with the Creator — in only one earthly life?!
        ... Before us, too, it was given the task: not only receiving the prepared knowledge — but to explore, to seek, to check everything on our own experience. Also — to learn to give this knowledge to others. Otherwise, God did not “sign the student’s record book” of our destinies...
        “You can lose very quickly all the meditative achievements, if there is no aspiration, a passionate love for the Creator, the desire to merge with Him and to serve Him,” — not once Vladimir said to us.

* * *
        When Vladimir himself showed the meditations — all turned out easily, beautifully, in a big way. Then we were asked to repeat it by our own efforts.
        I used to quickly “grasp” the meditative state and thought: well, right now... I still remember everything, once — and do!
        I puffed, stiffened... But, alas, nothing happened: God turn away from such efforts!...
        “You’re doing a ‘physical training,’” — finally, He explained. — “For such work there are gyms. But here, in Me, there are other rules: only the emotions of love to Me are recognized!
        “Pure desire to give away yourself to Me and unceasing work in this — this opens My Embraces!
        “The force that you are trying to use in meditations, without love, — is violence. This is incompatible with the life in Me!
        “In the Divine eons, the Consciousnesses smoothly and gently interact with Each Other, living in Mergence, mutual Penetration, Love and Harmony.
        “Meditative work is the major part of your lives. I’m — Living, Real! And to love and to cognize Me is possible — only living My Life.”

* * *
        “Look for Me in the forests!” — this call of God to seekers of Him was recorded by Helena Roerich.*
        And Vladimir supplemented it with the words of the song of Yuri Kukin: it is necessary “to live by kilometers rather than square meters!”
        And we “were living by kilometers”, sometimes walking in the forests during a given day tens of kilometers — to get to the next place of power.
        In any season, in any weather, we went for working out the next meditations. Rain, snow, heat, cold, heavy wind — were not the obstacles. On the contrary, they only strengthened both our arms of consciousnesses and understanding that God can and should be beloved always, regardless of the weather.
        “Whatever happens on the ‘surface’ of the Absolute, in the material world, even though a hurricane, — in the Abode of the Creator is always Love, Peace, always Tenderness and Warmth,” — Vladimir told.
        Once we meditated and picked up mushrooms and cowberries in a huge — for kilometers — Mahadouble of Babaji. Rain was coming. We took raincoats and covered our bodies with backpacks, thinking that rain will soon be over. But it was not! Soon rain poured such that it was as a solid vertical wall of water, almost nothing could be seen. Flashes of lightning ripped the sky. Thunder shook the surrounding area. Streams of water fell, wrapping the bodies, blew cloaks to the ground.
        But the raging elements aroused in me a delight! My body is negligible! But I will — by consciousness — merge with Babaji!
        I came out from under my cloak and went into Him... He was... absolutely dry and sunny... And I plunged into the Infinite Light of His tender Love!... Only a few movements of arms of consciousness... — and I was in the Heart of the Absolute. Rain ceased to exist for me, the body was not felt: it remained under the cloak. There was only God: Living Light, Tenderness, Infinity!
         ... When I began again to feel the body and perceive the material world, sun was shining, all picked up mushrooms, which suddenly appeared a lot around after that rain...

* * *
        Extensive struggle against manifestations of the lower “i”, constantly overcoming the “self” — all this is replaced by a deep inner peace at the higher stages of Buddhi Yoga.
        Hesychia — means an inner calm. It is an amazing state of the fullness of me by God with a feeling of complete peace within myself — within a huge spiritual heart.
        The ability to remain in hesychia — this is a necessary quality for the spiritual seeker. All meditative achievements cannot be more or less strong, if not to learn it.
        “The gate from the world of matter to the hidden world is open when one stays in calm. The understanding of this truth comes in non-doing (wuwei)**,” — Lao Tse recorded in ancient Chinese manual on the basics of Taoism Tao Te Ching (fragment 10).
        “Here, on the Earth, birth and death are conquered by the one whose mind is appeased! Brahman is devoid of sin and exists in calm. Therefore, those, living in calm, cognize Brahman! (Bhagavad Gita 5:19). Managing indriyas, adopting as the goal the achievement of Liberation, renouncing worldly attractions, fear, anger — a person attains full Freedom” (Bhagavad Gita 5:28) — Krishna taught us.
        “Stopping the internal dialogue is the only way to do this.
        “This is — the key to everything. When the (spiritual) warrior learns to stop the mind — everything becomes possible. The most far-reaching plans are achievable” — on the same Juan Matus spoke through the works of Carlos Castaneda.
        “Only the heart having immersed in calm can radiate pure love.
        “... When the mind is motionless and silent, God’s voice can be heard. ... Anyone, who has the ability to purify the mind from anxiety, agitation, thoughts, conflicts, and is able to keep itself in a state of silent equilibrium, — can tune in to the voice of God within oneself,” — says the same our contemporary Messiah Sathya Sai Baba***.
        ... But most people in our modern society are used to living by the minds, not hearts. And I was not an exception: for me, the state of rest was not a natural state of consciousness. I had just slowly — long and hard — begun to explore peace, using the whole arsenal of techniques developed by Vladimir.
        At first, it was moving the concentration of the consciousness to the anahata chakra from the head and stable sense of my head there (in anahata), including face and separately eyes, lips, ears...
        It was enough to get away by the consciousness from the head chakras — and then the mind, absorbed in the spiritual heart, immediately calmed down, stopped rushing.
        When I opened my new eyes in anahata and looked ahead from this chakra — even the look of my physical eyes had changed: it became soft, warm, gentle, as if it was caressing all around. And when I looked out from anahata to behind — I felt that the entire multidimensional Absolute was revealed before me. And in the depths — the Creator is willing to take me in His Embraces of Love.
        Later, looking back from the anahata, which now significantly exceeds the size of the body, I immediately was sinking into the depths of the Absolute. There, in those depths, it was possible to explore the Eternal Primordial Calm... This rest was not something static, it was the Calm of namely Living Love of the Creator.
        ... Vladimir, too, taught tranquility by his own example, always being in this state.
        “On the spiritual Path, one must master the deep inner peace,” — he said. — “And external indicators of its absence are, in particular, different stereotypic movements of the body, such as twitching, tapping fingers, grazing nails, etc.
        “In the bustle of a city it is difficult to learn peace and quiet. But in nature — the ability to listen and look at the world from the spiritual heart helps to quickly master this quality.
        “The best time to learn this — morning or evening — in the forest, on the shore of a lake or sea.”
        ... I remember how at one of the forest places of power Vladimir acquainted us with Surya.
        We had come to the small swamp in lowland, which was almost always filled with water. Only in winter it was possible to stand there on the ice, and at other times we had to wade in it, stepping from hummock to hummock.
        Spring was now. Each chooses a hummock, and Vladimir began to explain:
        “Here is with us now Divine Surya. Let’s enter into anahatas — and then get out from anahatas to behind — into Her finest, gentle, like a morning sun, Divine Light. Feel Her Love — and give away our love to Her, hugging Her by arms of our spiritual hearts.
        “Note that Surya here... is as without head. But Her Face can be seen in Her Anahata. She shows how we should live: always being only the spiritual hearts. Let’s imprint this state as a standard.”
        ... I completely forgot that my body stood on a small hummock, which is now completely submerged under water...
        I merged with Surya, having filled Her form of Divine Consciousness. Now I realized myself in a new quality! How it was good: easy and quiet life — that is! Nothing prevented one to love: to give love away to all around! I consisted now of only Love!
        ... Then we were on one of the places of power of Jesus, where it was easy to communicate with Him and with His Divine Disciples: Apostles Philip and Andrew.
        When I first felt Andrew — He, too, was full of steady calm Love.
        “Are You always so calm, Andrew? How have You achieved this?” — I asked.
        “It is hesychia!” — He said, smiling. — “Jesus taught Us this.
        “To find it, one needs, first and foremost, — to understand and accept the Will of the Creator. And then — everything is very simple: you need to perform that which is understood and accepted. This is how Jesus lived Himself and taught us. Only in this case it is possible to act in Union with Us all!”
**  Inaction of body and mind that permits the meditation.
***  It’s possible to get acquainted with His Teachings and in video film “Yoga of Sathya Sai Baba” (see on

Divine Teachers

“Hearts of the going are ignited with love.
Hearts burning with love — they light the Path, not letting go astray or go to sleep.
The seeking so — will find.
The going so — will come.
The only Source of true love is God!
Blessed are Those Who have reached Him!
For their thirst for a perfect love will be quenched!”

Philip the Apostle, from a conversation with Him

        Divine Teachers, Holy Spirits are the Representatives of the Creator. Each of Them had His or Her own journey to the Creator. Each of Them had Their own life experience [Classics of Spiritual Philosophy and the Present]. They have already passed the Path and now help others going over it.
        All of Them are One in the Abode of the Creator. They are — Love, Strength, Wisdom of the Creator! But, at the same time, Each of Them is unique!
        Each of Them, Who worked with us, gave us Their Love, including creating by Themselves the Divine Standard for the attunement of consciousnesses. They were opening for us by this the passage into the Abode of the Creator.
        Many thanks to all of You! Infinite love to You all!
        ... Over the years of our traineeship, the Divine Teachers Who guided our work, have become beloved Friends and the Dearest.
        Our task now — to continue strengthening ourselves in the received: for having stood beside Them, for love and help all those going to the Creator — from the One United Heart of the Absolute.

* * *
        ... Lao — Divine Love-Caress for all worthy beings!
        He taught us to love by the Divine Love — nature, merge with it in love and harmony, to feel oneness with all dear beings, to nourish them with His Love and Power, holding them on palms of our endless arms of love.
        One day He told me this:
        “Become now a little gentle warm sun, warming the Earth and all life on it!
        “Get down under its surface: in its gentle pure Light — and fill the whole Earth inside with your love!
        “And now feel on your hand, outstretched from the spiritual heart, this one flower — feel its gentleness, subtlety, purity, feel its flavor. It is trusting and gentle! Give it your love!”
        ... I touched the flower by my hand of consciousness — and felt it like a small living clear creature. Infinite tenderness filled me! I caressed it gently as a baby, and spoke through my mouth of the heart: “I love you!” Love flowed down through my arms to this little part of life...

* * *
        ... Huang Di — it is difficult to imagine how without His help it would be possible to cognize the structure of the Absolute!
        He revealed for us by Himself the pass to the eons “on the other side of mirror”. He offered Himself as this Pass and taught to cognize the universal Depths, “slipping” from His Face — into His Universal Anahata.
        We were mastering the eon of protoprakriti — as a warm, gentle rest of southern summer night. We were floating in an endless starry Ocean, moving within it with the help of arms of consciousness in all directions...
        Then, if one goes deeper, the “southern night” of protoprakriti gave way to light, soft, furry, gentle, like a morning mist state of protopurusha...
        And under the “Veil” — the Main Essence of the Absolute, His Spiritual Heart...

* * *
        ... Ptahhotep — in His huge, for kilometers, Mahadoubles, we learned to be the subtlest Divine Fire that comes from the Abode of the Creator, cleansed from this Fire our bodies.
        Many excellent fundamental meditations were given to us by Ptahhotep!
        I also often turned to Him for advice.
        ... Earlier, I used for this the book of Elizabeth Haich “Initiation” [31]. When I had questions, I turned to Ptahhotep, opened this book — and always immediately found in it answers.
        But once Ptahhotep Himself offered to help me.
        We that time worked in one of His Mahadoubles. I did not succeed in entering the state of Mergence with Him. I filled the form of the Mahadouble and tried to dissolve — but all to no avail.
         Apparently, He was tired of my scuffling, and He said:
        “You’re trying to feel yourself in the meditation. But you try to feel Me!
        And at that moment, I had disappeared. I just changed the direction of the vectors of consciousness: from “i” to “non-i” — and then I felt all alone the subtlest Living Light of Ptahhotep’s Tender Love! There was the Bliss of Mergence!
        From this moment, all my difficulties, of which I spoke, were left behind.

* * *
        ... Divine Eagle — tuning to the alertness, the intense aspiration to the Freedom in Mergence with the Primordial! Tenderness of Love, connected with the Force! Jump of consciousness from bodily anahata backward... — and begins the flight into the Infinite Creator!
        He taught courage and gave a sense of the true and complete Freedom. He learned to fly and live, spreading the wings of love, feeling the connectedness of these huge wings — with all the boundless Ocean of the Primordial Consciousness.
        And, at the same time, He loved to joke, have fun...
        ... Today, we did not go to the forest: there were urgent urban affairs. Therefore, we did the meditative work on the places of power in the city.
        I walked on the sidewalk, practicing past meditations. And suddenly... it was a very clear border — and I was falling into the infinite Divine Light — the fathomless, boundless... I felt great wings and... — the flight! I flew in the infinite Light and dissolve in the Divine Tenderness! Such a familiar, native feeling... — that was Eagle!
         Then I began to doubt: no, because Eagle lives in the forest, there are His places of power, but here — the city.
        And I hear:
        “Why do you think so? I was the civilized American Indian and lived in cities,” — Eagle laughed.
        I am, too, amused, but also shamed: I did not recognize Him in an unusual place for me, blundered again...

* * *
        ... The city, the summer heat, a haze over the asphalt. We worked meditatively in Giant Mahadouble of Sacral. The subtlest Divine Light hugged us. He was like a Dome above the clouds and around us. And under the base — the Abode of the Creator — the boundless Ocean of the Primordial Consciousness.
        I walked along the asphalt path, learning to be the “Ocean of Pure Love”*. Because the heat, the body, it seems, just about to melt away. I thought: “How did Sacral work in His latest incarnation: because He lived in the desert?”
        And He, answering my question, began to show.
        ... City and heat suddenly disappeared from my perception. In front of me — spreading out to the horizon soft, yellow, swaying sand. And behind — the Great Ocean of the Endless Living Light. Wave after wave, He waved gently the small island of land, washing it by Himself. Nothing could impede the movement of the Ocean. Desert, like a docile lamb, lay before Him. Ocean carefully and gently stroked by soft waves, caressing His Creation...
        Sacral invited to dive into His Depths...
        I realized: I love the Ocean, He is my Home. I felt myself His Wave — and merged with Him — endless...
        This was great happiness and bliss — to be the Part of the Original Ocean, to be consubstantial to Him and inseparable from Him!

* * *
        ... About Sathya Sai Baba and His Teachings, I learned from books. And then Vladimir... led me straight to Him: to His Mahadoubles, and said:
        “Look: He welcomes us and wants to say to you something.”
        And Vladimir was gone, leaving me alone with Him.
        I tried to hear the words — but only felt His Love. I never felt such caring Love, and tears of gratitude fell from my eyes...
        It was very easy to communicate with Sathya Sai Baba! If only — with love and affection in the heart to think about Him, turn to Him with the question — and He came, enveloped with His soft, gentle heat.
        When I before found myself hard, He said:
        “Every time when it seems that there is no way, and that everything is collapsing around you, the pain and despair are trying to possess you — remember: life is infinite!
        “Your pain — this is the old dying in you, to give way to a new course of life.
        “Nothing, coming from the outside, can crush the power of life, the power of love that lives within you! This is — I manifesting Myself from the depths of you, from the depths of your spiritual heart!
        “Maintain the complete peace, but do not stop on the Path: move on! Life, which has become a full-flowing river of Love, let it always flow — flow into the Ocean of Me!
        “Trust Me completely, neither cling to your body, nor other people, nor material things of the material world! That’s all — external. While I — inside, in the Depth under everything — sustaining and nourishing with Love everything created by Me.
        “I am independent of the Creation, although inseparable from it.
        “You do not need more “home” on the Earth! Previously, your body was your “home”, where you were hiding from Me. But now — your heart abides in Me, and only a tiny part of you continues to live in the material body. It remains — to return Home — that is, into My Abode — with this little bit. For this, make this little piece of you clear, bring it to the full purity and transparency, then — combine it with Me.
        “Don’t separate more, don’t hide! Stay always in Me!
        “Returning after meditation to the world of matter –– don’t close the door to Our Common True Home. Let this door always be widely open!
        “Your love for people has to grow, manifesting itself in different ways.
        “Learn the true compassion — the manifestation of the Divine Love!
        “Learn to take care of all, but remember that care — should be, but it should not be anxiety.”

* * *
        ... Krishna — always spring, golden, tender — greeted us from the railway station, when we go to Him on His places of power.
        On these places, it was possible to talk easily with Him, to plunge into the Abode of the Creator, also very efficiently work on cleansing the chakras and meridians, in particular, using Mahamantra, which glorifies Krishna and was presented to people by Chaitanya.
        Vladimir also taught us it: we choose any pair of the chakras and enter (from behind) the first half of Mahamantra into the top of them, and the other half — into the bottom. And so we were working on all the chakras gradually.
        Hare Krishna! Hare Krishna!
        Krishna, Krishna — hare, hare!
        Hare Rama! Hare Rama!
        Rama, Rama — hare, hare!**
        Chakras were filled by this method with the golden Light of Krishna-Consciousness, Who cleansed them of coarse energies, deifying them.
        Or we gently and quickly, like the murmur of a spring stream, pronounced the whole Mahamantra, letting the golden stream of Krishna’s Light flow into the top of sushumna or the middle meridian. This stream washed and filled these meridians.
        ... When we once worked with Krishna, Chaitanya came. He danced, slowly moving the Body of Consciousness and radiating by every movement His Divine Love.
        I asked Him:
        “How do You serve the Lord, Chaitanya?”
        He replied:
         “There are different ways to serve the Creator. It is possible to directly teach students passing the knowledge of God and the Path to Him, or you can write books about Him, or you can create works of art. And also you can set the example to people by yourself: it means, to be in love with the Lord so that always — in every moment — appears the love to Him, dancing an ecstasy dance of love and bliss, and giving this love to people!
        “Dear, Darling, My Only Krishna!
        “You are giving the Heavenly Living Light!
        “Bliss Love opens the humans’ hearts!
        “Krishna! Lord! This Love is perpetual!”

* * *
        But They spoke not only about love and stages of the Path, but also explained the reasons and mechanisms of social processes occurring on the Earth.
        Once we were meditating in a pine forest near the lake, where there was the Mahadouble of Divine Teacher — Giant. There we had a very good possibility to master the hesychia inside our spiritual hearts extended in the Infinity.
        Vladimir drew our attention: in addition to Giant, also Lao is present with us. Vladimir invited us to disperse to some distance through the forest — to be alone-on-one with Them.
         I found a seat next to a high pine tree and stopped, listening to Giant and Lao. But in the surrounding me on all sides silence... I suddenly thought about war.
        “We are so fortunate to be pampered by You and grow in Your Love! But somewhere on the Earth now are thundering explosions, bullets flying, fires raging, people suffering from injuries and dying... Why do people make wars? Why does God allow it?
        Lao approached:
        “As I’m glad to meet you!
        “I will answer your question.
        “Understand that any war — is a voluntary choice of the people. And if they choose war, then I usually do not create obstacles: this is their own choice, through which they receive their life experience.”
        “Yes, but ask any normal person: what he or she chooses — war or peace? After all, almost no one can say that they choose war!”
        “‘On the surface’, it looks, yes, namely so. But, in fact, war is because those, who are involved in the war, have lost the meaning of their existence, have lost God.
        “War matures within the society of the country. And when ‘firewood for the fire of war’ has already ‘been gathered’ — absolutely no matter, who and how puts a match. What was the specific reason for the outbreak of war — then it does not matter.
        “Objectively, it is necessary to fight only when needed to protect the world from such evil as fascism and other forms of fanatical terrorism.
        “In general, wars... accelerate the process of evolution — in the sense that they create extreme conditions in which people make their choices. Some of them exhibit the best qualities: protect others, sacrificing themselves or, helping the weak, etc. Others show dormant in them during peacetime propensity for violence: they kill, rob, taunt; for them — a straight road to hell.
        “Pain and suffering are the extreme measures of My upbringing. Criminal leaders, guiding the masses and pushing them into the chaos of war, of course, will bear the entire burden of responsibility for their actions. But everyone — he or she — also is responsible for what they choose: to love — or to hate.
        “That is why it is important to convey to each of the people knowledge of the true meaning of life — not to be cheated, but to make a choice consciously: a choice based on understanding the laws of universal Evolution.
        “I am Love! I do not get tired of repeating it again and again! Live in love — and then peace and happiness will always be with you!”

* * *
        ... It is — only very small fragments of what and how the Divine Teachers taught us.
        “Learn from Us! We are ready to help everyone!” — all Them say so. — “And who wants to learn — let him or her learn, but not only by thinking and talking about this!”
*  This was the name of one of Vladimir’s books.
**  Glory to Krishna! Glory to Omnipresent! 


        True monasticism is a state of the soul, not body. The life in the state of a monk is not monotonous, boring and dull. No! It is filled with the joy of cognizing God and serving Him!
        Monasticism is happiness! The monk loves and is beloved! The life of a monk is the unceasing aspiration to merge with the Beloved. And, having merged, he or she lives in tender peace.
        A monk is not removed from the outside world. But he or she, if already has traversed a significant part of the Path, brings by himself or herself the Creator’s Love for people, connecting — by the spiritual heart — His Abode with the material world.
        A monk helps people not as “religious” duties and not because of the status of a monk — but by the great love for the Creator and His children.
        ... At the very beginning of my acquaintance with Vladimir, he asked me:
        “Did you read the chapter on monastic life from the book ‘How God Can Be Cognized’?”
        “Of course, I read!” — I replied.
        “How do you feel about that?”
        I stopped, thought, and answered:
        “I wanted exactly this — for a long time!”
        ... And it is now fulfilled. But I also understand how much remains to be done...

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